Impatient Aunt!

My sister was induced this morning at 6am and the baby has yet to arrive 15 hrs later! He is my first (and most likely only) biological nephew and I am *SO* excited to meet him and hold him and spoil him!

Now that I got that out of the way, here are a few photos I took on the side of the couples shoot I did last week. Summer time. <3

A lone goose…

And the little family! They were so dang cute.

Speaking of summer, I have devoured what feels like a ton of books and there are so many I want to read that I feel rushed – even though I have all summer. I love books. (:


Keep an eye on my photography blog for Tina & Chris’s session. It was a challenge, being my first couple shoot, and I learned a ton – especially what NOT to do next time. :P But it was a good experience and I hope to do another one soon! Getting my feelers out there! (:

Sorry I don’t have much else to say. My mind is on a million different things and I don’t feel like typing it all out.


Summer has arrived!!!

Countdown to the first bonfire of the year: 20 mins. (Or something like that.) (:

I adore those little spit bubbles. <3

Because I’m slightly in a hurry, I decided to post these instead of doing an extensive post. I created my page today (deep breath, Heather!) and can’t wait to start messing with it. Go search on Facebook, Moments By Mezz Photography, and spread the love. I’d very much appreciate it. (: Right now, however, bonfire with mah two besties! (:

Peace, peeps!

If you had one shot to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?

Today started off with some exciting, nerve wracking, and almost overwhelming opportunities. Since I posted two photos of Mr. Jaiden on Facebook, I have gotten numerous requests for photos. Including one that is over the top – a wedding. Okay, so she said it was going to be a small, simple wedding… still, a wedding. Wow. I didn’t know what to think or do when I read that message. What a crazii and exciting opportunity! That I still don’t know what to think of. :P

I’ve just gotta jump on it, take the plunge. See what happens. Learn from it. Explore and break down my boundaries. This summer – actually beginning with Jaiden’s photos – I am building my portfolio. It is the first step. (:


On other news, I apologize for the rather short posts lately. I feel like I’ve been putting less priority on my blog posts than I did while classes were in session. Not sure why that is.

Ashley did an awesome post that you should probably go read for fun (no pun intended). I finished my Jodi Picoult book while soaking in a hot bath. I’ve noticed that I’ve really enjoyed doing that lately. The next book I picked up was another trusty Sandra Brown novel, Chill Factor. I’ve read her books before, and though she’s not my favorite author, I like the twists she puts at the end of her books. It keeps me hooked and kudos to her for that. (: Who’s your favorite author? Why?

Quick update on Vicki aka Kiki (thanks Nicole! I like it better. (:) – She has a soft case of kennel cough so it’ll be a few days before she gets to settle into what is hopefully a much comfier temporary home for her than the cold kennel at the shelter.


So I’m running short on time right now, since it is 11:43:04pm right now, but I have to mention this last thing.

I often have reservations about choices I’ve made, like for instance, taking in Vicki. As soon as I had called Wade – the coordinator – and settled it with him, I began thinking, What if she doesn’t fit in? What if she doesn’t get along with our dogs, or vice versa? What if I can’t help her? And with my photography: What if I can’t meet their expectations (for instance, at the wedding)? What if I don’t get any good shots? What if my clients are dissatisfied with my work? Notice that these are all ‘what-if’ questions. And I know I can’t live life questioning “what if?” but it is still a difficult habit to overcome. My boyfriend said to me today before work, “You’re the only one who doesn’t have confidence in your work, but everyone else loves it.” Why is that, Heather?

Hmmm… something to chew on. And another mountain to overcome. We are our own worst enemies.


Sneak Peek (again!)

Sneak peek from my shoot today with Rachel and her adorable baby boy!

I can’t wait to finish editing them. You have got to see his big blue eyes. (:

Right now, however, I am exhausted. I’m not sure why I’m so tired but I’m starting to think I didn’t get much good sleep last night. Which means I need to get good sleep tonight for my final tomorrow at 10am. I am so ready to be over with school, my mind has been on summer break already for a while now.

Wish me luck. I would say sorry for the rather lame post, but I think that photo is priceless & would be a perfectly awesome post without my babbling here.


Quick overview of this awesome day

Lots of photos coming soon! (:

I couldn’t get to sleep last night, and so stayed up until 4:30am. Yes, 4:30 in the morning. Without Ashley, Amber, OR Dustin around! Just little ‘ol me, sitting in the living room watching Criminal Minds, no laptop, book, nothing else around. It was a good time, but would have been better if I hadn’t had to get up at 8:30am. I guess I didn’t really have to if my two wonderful nieces hadn’t decided to charge into my room and jump on my bed. Regardless, I got up and at ’em, did my hair, got dressed (new yoga pants from the sis, woo woo) and waited for Rhianna (my oldest sister I mentioned in yesterday’s post) to get up and ready.

Then we got down to the picture-taking. What a good time that was. I have *lots* to learn but I’m super eager to do it again! This session helped me realize what I need to work on, mainly smoothness and having ideas in mind so there’s not so much standing around. The technical aspects will come with time, I just need to work hard on them. I haven’t transferred the photos yet, but I’m crossing my fingers that my favorites look as good on my Mac’s screen as they do on my Canon screen. (Unfortunately it was too windy and chilly to take any pictures outside so the backdrop I used – while good for some photos – was rather blah in some.)

After that I had lunch with Dustin. The Pita Pit. Yes, again. Nom nom. When you get the chance, stuff your face in that place. You won’t regret it. Then we went to the Humane Society. I didn’t post that yesterday, but we went yesterday as well. There was a dog there that caught my eye and I wanted to go back and see her. That deserves it’s own post so maybe another time I’ll say more. The main thing I have to say about that is GO TO YOUR LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTER AND SAVE A LIFE!!! 

We got back home in time for the baby shower that included a super cute and unique cake. Rhianna got lots of needed baby things. Then I had a blast from the past… kind of. Rhianna, Dallas (my bro-in-law), and I traveled the 45 minutes to Kandis’s (my biological mom) and Grandma Glennis’s (my biological grandma) graves. That was… an experience. I haven’t been there in a looooooong time, and we traveled through the town where my grandma used to live, and where Rhianna and my bio mom & dad lived before Kaylinn and I were born. It was so crazii seeing this little town, with fractured memories of being in my grandma’s trailer, thinking about the times I shared with Grandma, and also thinking of how little I know about my past and ancestry. It was fascinating, yet saddening at the same time. If I could go back in time….

When we got home, we went to dinner with Mom and Dad (Five Guys – yum!) and then when we got home I took Jayde outside, and my camera, and threw the ball around. Something clicked in my head while I was snapping away – I suddenly understood how to take relatively decent back-lit photos. Or kinda sorta anyway. I was pleased with the results I got.

And now here I am, blogging away. I have to load songs onto Rhianna’s iPod for her, clean off my old Mac (it’s geting sold! yayy!!),  and then maybe transfer all my photos over and begin the editing process. I can’t wait. (: Today has been full of family, history, photos, and togetherness. And I’ve loved every second. My only regret is that it must end.

Peace, and Happy Easter. (: 

April photos and some news!

I usually like to blog at the end of the day but since I have to go to work in a little bit, and won’t get off until nearly midnight, I decided to do it now. My phone’s being extra stupid lately so I’m not even sure WordPress would work on it if I needed it to.

Here are the first 6 days of April, because tomorrow my camera is going to be busy and I needed to clear if off! (:

4/1 your reflection

4/2 colour
Parker in the background. A lot of cute photos of him came out of this.

4/3 mail

4/4 someone who makes you happy
My goofy boyfriend (:

4/5 tiny
I originally took a photo of some little bleeding hearts that were beginning to bloom, and then I saw this lone purple flower outside the fence. It was just a bit bigger than my pinky finger.

4/6 lunch
The Pita Pit! New favorite lunch spot. Absolutely scrumptious.


Tonight my oldest sister, who is expecting, is going to be coming into town. Tomorrow is her baby shower and I am also going to take her maternity photos – a first for me! I’m excited, but nervous because I want them to be perfect. Hopefully at least a few turn out good so I can share them on here. Wish me luck! (:
