It’s Actually Happening

I’m in a daze. My brain is telling me that I’m just on break. From classes, that is. Like Easter break or Christmas break or something. It doesn’t feel like the “end-of-the-semester, see ya in the fall” sort of thing either. But in reality this is it. Four years of college have flown by.

I graduate tomorrow. I get my diploma, my degree tomorrow. Undergrad will be no more.

What is this that is happening?!?!?!

Like I said, I think I’m in shock, or disbelief, or something.


I’ve mentioned it previously. This summer, the move, the future, the uncertainties, the adventure, the risks, the unknown. It makes my heart pound thinking about it. It’s scary. And I’ve never been one to go toward things that I’m afraid of. But this one is different. This time I know it is the right thing, despite the intimidation, it is what I want to do and I know I have to do it.

This summer I’m going to work and save money. Any money I make from photo shoots are going toward my moving fund. I need every penny, every dollar, I can get. But I want to cherish these last weeks in my hometown as well. I want to enjoy time with Ashley and Amber. I want to take photos. I want to put this place in my mind as important, solidify it and not forget about where I came from. Okay, so that might cheesy. But it’s how I feel.



I’m on the frontline, don’t worry I’ll be fine.
The story is just beginning.
I say goodbye to my weakness, so long to the regret.
And now I see the world through diamond eyes.”



Anyway, tomorrow is going to be the end of my undergrad career. And I am so so so ready for it be over. I really didn’t think I’d make it through that last semester. But somehow I accomplished it, I pulled off good grades. And I think I’m finally starting to realize that I don’t give myself enough credit, and that I underestimate myself. I can’t believe I did it. I did it.


Other news. They’re thinking about bringing 24 back. As a limited series TV show on FOX. Well, they say it is official, that it really is coming back. But I don’t believe it. Maybe because it’s too good to be true. Maybe because I don’t want it to be true, because it’s scary: It can’t be like the actual show. And I don’t want a “limited series” (what the heck IS that, anyway?!) to *ruin* the show for me. Although that’s a dumb thought too because 24 is 24 and will always always always be important to me, in and of itself. But a 12-episode show of 24? That makes absolutely no sense to me. 24 is 24 precisely because of the number 24. Not the number 12. I guess they could crunch it somehow and make 2 hours of the show’s world into 1 hour of our world. But seriously? Agh it’s such a contradictory feeling for me! There’s no way I *wouldn’t* be able to watch it if it is really “coming back.” But…. idk.

Hope you enjoyed my mind vomit on that little issue. I’m sure I’ll have more to say on it later. For now…..


Just a few Monday thoughts…


Mondays don’t bother me. Actually, I look forward to Mondays because it means I’m free from work and able to focus on school stuff without worrying about work. This past weekend however was also free from work and I didn’t really want Monday to get here. Read about my awesome weekend here if you don’t follow me on Instagram (@24Freak *hint hint*).

On March 13th, my girl turned 6 years old. Six! I still can’t believe she’s six already. Time goes by so too darn fast. Of course she was well spoiled. (:



Amber is back in town for the week because of her spring break, and I am so excited for at least one get-together we will be having. I seriously have thee two coolest chicks for friends. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Other news: Secret is officially a long term “foster” dog. Her real owner is having some personal issues and so I’ve stepped in as surrogate mama for the sweet rottie. (: Having her in the house, and Hawkeye, and Juicer all at the same time is honestly a bit overwhelming (as much as I love them all). They’re all very active dogs and it’d hard to keep them all stimulated and content with school taking up the majority of my time. But I wouldn’t trade any of them for the world!


Speaking of school…. yeah let’s just not talk about that.

I have a lot to work on.


Buddy has the right idea. (:


Thoughts on a Sunday


“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”


Life has been hectic lately. It goes like that, in stages. Busy, calm, busy, busy, calm, busy, etc. etc. More busy time than calm time, from my point of view. It’s interesting what we can make time for when it’s towards the top of our priority list, like I did for post-a-day last year.

Coffee has been a motivator for me. And a curse. I think I’m too positivized to it. If that makes sense. Yes I know that’s not a word, but I just used it.

I’ve been cooking a lot lately. I think that’s taken the place of blogging. Which is okay, because I enjoy trying new recipes and messing with the ingredients. So far I’ve tried dinners for the family (including new side dishes), desserts, and a couple snacks. I’m thinking that I need to start a recipe box soon. Keep my favorites and throw out the rest. My mom has bugged me for years to start cooking and learning how she does things in the kitchen. I guess I’m a late bloomer in that, too. But hey, I’m doing it now and enjoying it quite a bit, so that’s what counts right?


I’ve been reading quite a few books lately also. Well. I keep starting new books. Right now I’m reading three at once, and have four more waiting to be read, including one which I won off of Goodreads. And by “right now” I mean, a few minutes here and there whenever I feel like I deserve a break from school work or want to relax my mind for half an hour before bed. So I haven’t gotten very far on any of the three. But it’s nice to know that I have books to fall back on when/if I need them.


Project 365 has been fun so far, although I’m kind of a slacker when it comes to getting them edited and posted on Facebook. Unfortunately. One of those priority things again, I think. As long as I *take* the photo…


I finished my first paper of my last semester of college today. And it was of a genre that I’d never specifically had to write before: a memoir. The paper was for my Women & Religion class, an interesting class with an eccentric but fun professor. In this memoir we had to write about an experience that shaped our view of gender and relate it to religion, or vice versa, and then analyze that experience using two outside sources and one in-class source. Interesting experience. I couldn’t come up with a single thing in my religious background/upbringing that impacted, shaped, affected, etc. my own gender or even my view of gender. That was probably the hardest part of the paper. Once I figured it out, it went down on paper the computer screen rather nicely (for the most part). Interestingly enough, I’ve enjoyed this class so far this semester than I thought I would.


Time for bed. A new week tomorrow. Oi. I got the stuff done that I needed to get done for tomorrow, so tomorrow I get to tackle the thing for Tuesday. That’s how it goes for me. Just keeping in step, never a step ahead, sometimes a step behind, but generally in step. Perhaps I’ll visit Starbucks tomorrow. I’d actually like to go to Caribou Coffee – for a change – but it’s a too far across town to justify driving all that way just for studying and coffee.

I can feel some little flickers of panic setting in for certain things, but I need to keep my head on straight. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Good night. Peace.


First Day of Classes

I only had one class today, so it wasn’t *that* big of a deal, but it was still a tiny taste of what’s to come: papers, papers, PAPERS! Oi. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself.

On a happy note, my business cards came today!


And I also reached 120 fans on my  Facebook page. (:

Anyways, like I said I’m a little cautious concerning this semester (I haven’t been completely thrown into it yet) so I’m not sure what to think. I feel like I’m ‘prepping’ myself for an ass-beating, to be completely honest. Not necessarily a good feeling, but at least it won’t be a surprise? :P Odd outlook on it, isn’t it?

Tomorrow is only Thursday but I have class pretty much until I have to go to work and I wasn’t sure if I’d get a chance to post.


A Nom Nom Crock Pot Dinner


Thank you, Pinterest, for the wonderful dinner. Sweet ‘n’ spicy bacon-wrapped chicken. With baked sweet potato fries and steamed vegetables. Delish.

And so starts school again tomorrow. Not particularly looking forward to it, but at least I only have one class. Start off the semester light, then jump into a heavier schedule. A new semester always has me hoping that I will practice better studying and time management skills. That I will apply myself better and more efficiently and NOT procrastinate. I can do this. It’s the last semester of college. Time to do this. :P



Yes, I’m happy it is Monday. Because the weekend is draining and no fun (although the money that I make is usually worth the exhaustion). One of the biggest problems I had with post-a-day was posting on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, because I was worn out from working and didn’t really have the mental strength to come up with anything substantial or worth reading. And I’m thinking that my 365 photo-a-day challenge will have the same issues.

 Day4 Day6


If you follow me on Twitter you might know by now that I started watching the tv show The Walking Dead, and have become slightly hooked on it, the characters. Honestly, when I first heard about it I thought it sounded stupid. I’ve never seen a particularly good zombie movie, and a whole tv series? They must’ve been dreaming. But I gave it a chance, and it is a good show. I’m sad there are only three seasons so far. Well two and a half. I’m watching the midseason finale of the third season tonight, and it doesn’t start up on tv again until February.


The bad thing about *this* Monday is that classes begin again on Wednesday. :/ I’m ready to go back – to get it over with, to graduate – and yet I’m not ready to sign my life away for the next 5 months either. It’s a bittersweet situation. I’ve been thinking about all that I have to get done, and I’m seriously not looking forward to my work load, which doesn’t even include actual classes yet: senior thesis research, writing, and revisions, grad school apps, developing my resume, balancing work & school to make enough but not fail classes. And all the little things in between like my 365 project and my dogs and this blog. Real life begins again on Wednesday.

Maybe someday I’ll reach the point where “real life” doesn’t carry a negative connotation with it. I hope so.

Other news: I entered a giveaway for a Canon 50mm f/1.4. I do own the 50mm f/1.8 but would LOVE to have the 1.4. I used it at the weddings I helped with this past summer and it was a dream. Here’s the link, in case you want to enter:

One other thing. I challenged myself again this year to read 50 books on like I did in 2012. I didn’t quite make it last year, falling about 6 books short. (Honestly, 50 is pitiful compared to what I used to read, but then again life is much busier nowadays). 50 books means roughly a book a week. During the summer, this isn’t too hard but during the school year I can go months without reading an actual book for myself (textbooks don’t count, usually). I’m going to challenge myself this semester to practice tougher and more efficient time management skills, like I should have started four years ago. :P Too bad Jack Bauer isn’t around to give me a few tips.

I need to revamp my blog again before school starts (because then I won’t have any time to do it).

Peace. (:

It’s Got All You Want

I have a few links to share with you tonight.

First of all, I am trying to get to 100 likes on my Moments By Mezz Facebook page so I’d appreciate it if you showed some love and maybe shared it as well? (:

Second, for all you dog lovers out there, check out my friend’s new blog, Dogs Speak! Let’s Listen, all about dog behavior and training. (Yes, I tried to talk her over to WordPress, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. ;)).

Third, I joined a networking site via another photographer. If you have a business that you’d like to promote – or are part of a business – go check out this site (how can you NOT, with a name like that??). And if you do happen to sign up, I’d appreciate it if you mentioned my name on the sign-up form – Heather Mesmer. There are quite a few contests, groups, and ways to connect with other businesses.

That is all for that. Hope you check one or two of them out. (:


Hello Holiday Weekend!

This song made me laugh. xD

I have my Christmas shopping finished and am starting to wrap.

Work was crazii tonight.

I’m excited for Monday. The cheer. The excitement. The spirit. So much fun.

I’ve had a few thoughts on my mind lately…. two different worlds. Different wavelengths. Individuality.

One little note: I write this blog for myself. To share my own thoughts and views and feelings and experiences. Whether they are exciting or boring, it is mine and mine alone.


End Of The World, Anyone?

Who thinks the world will end tomorrow? I, for one, am not too worried about it. Only hint that bugs me is that I won’t be able to fulfill my post-a-day for 2012. And I kinda really wanna finish it, especially since I’ve come so far.

Speaking of that, I haven’t gotten any suggestions for what to do with my blog in 2013 so I’ll probably be sticking with the usual (which disappoints some people, I know, but oh well). I’m throwing a few ideas around in my head, but some of it depends on reader feedback and such (which isn’t that great, honestly). Like giveaways. I’m not sure what I’d do a giveaway for but it’s a fun idea and if the interest was great enough I’d seriously consider doing it. Right now though, let’s make sure we all survive tomorrow. (;
