Bookworm, anyone?

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time (and reading it religiously, like I know every single one of you do), you probably got the hint that I love reading. My entire life I have been an avid reader. When I was in grade school I visited the library every week and checked out at least 10 books each time. My favorite series were the Goosebumps books (up until my mom bought the movie of my favorite Goosebumps book anyway. Ironic, I know) but I also enjoyed any and all books with dogs, horses, action, adventure, mystery, and, of course, scares! In fact, it was this book –> that sparked my interest in werewolves that I still hold to this day.

(And yes, it is the movie of that book that ended my Goosebumps venture.)

I think if I were to be any mythical creature, I would want to be a werewolf. Weird, I know, but they just appeal to me, probably for their wolf qualities. (Random fact you may have inferred by now: wolves are one of my favorite wild animals. Their dignity and beauty are breathtaking). Okay, back on subject.

In 5th grade, my teacher called me to her desk and told me that I was the top reader in the state for my grade level in number of books read. They only counted the books that I read for the program that was active in my state’s schools at the time, Reading Counts or RC. I had read 77 books for the program, but I had read many many more on top of that that I never did take the necessary quiz over to make it count. I got to go onto the ice with the top readers in K-4th at one of our local hockey team’s games. We received a jersey, a hockey puck, and a $100 prize. It was very neat, and yes rewarding perhaps for some people, but I read because I loved it and that was it.

Books are my release, my escape, my safety net. I don’t read as much as I used to but my love has only grown for it. I’ve never been a big TV person; I’d rather pick up a book. Among my favorite books are The Inheritance series, Harry PotterAlex Rider, Black BeautyThe Series of Unfortunate EventsThe Saddle Club, and so many more that I can’t think of at the moment. I don’t know when I discovered Jodi Picoult but she is hands down the best author ever (only my opinion, of course). Every single book of her’s will keep you glued to the page and raise so many questions in your head. She has a knack of writing about people, relationships, and touchy topics that is unparalleled in any book I’ve ever read so far. Basically, if you haven’t read any of her books, go check them out!

<– That is the book I finished today after starting it yesterday morning. Ted Dekker is a new author that Ashley introduced me to recently. Some of his books have been iffy but this one is the best one of his that I’ve read yet. He has a unique way of writing that, honestly, wouldn’t normally go well with me. But the topics he writes about – mostly the clash between good and evil- and the questions he raises with his characters pull me in and keep me coming back for more.

Thr3e was right up my alley of course, getting all psycho on me. Definitely my type of book! (Hint: psycho = psychological-ish stuff).

So who else out in the blogosphere is a book lover? Who’s your favorite author? What’s your favorite genre? I never mentioned that I don’t do romance novels too well, and am NOT a fan of Twilight and definitely not of Shades of Grey. I apologize if I offend you when I say they are both prime examples of bad writing. Only my opinion, of course. I am currently reading The Last Surgeon by a Michael Palmer. It is one of my flea market books. Oh, that’s another thing, search out your local flea markets for book booths. Although you may get a lot of Danielle Steele (which is perfectly okay if you like her books), it’s worth a shot because they’re usually some very good prices.

Unfortunately summer is coming to an end, which means cutting my free-reading time slim to none. Sad, sad day. I do like reading about psychology, but it’s just not the same as a good murder mystery.

One more thing before I peace out… anyone have a Goodreads account?

G’night & peace.

2 comments on “Bookworm, anyone?

  1. Jeyna Grace says:

    I love the goosebump series.. RL Stine was my fav author as a pre-teen.

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